Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Author's Picks for December & Conclusion

Well, I ended up being exactly two months behind.  It was those busy months in school that hindered me.  Even though December was a meager month for new posts, here are the top three posts.

3. Day 301: 'Twas the Night Before New Years~ It was fun writing a parody of this.  I am sure I could have made this poem more substantive had I been given a chance to work on it for a few hours, but the idea to not be apprehensive of your future is still there.

2. Day 302: Love, Lust, and Power~ I enjoyed looking at this story from Delilah's point of view.  It's hard to say if she was a vixen or a victim to temptation, but it was nice to sympathize with her for a brief while.

1. Day 296: My Favorite Character from The Christmas Story~ I explain in the post why looking at a specific character is important to me.  Through writing this, I gained a greater appreciation of Joseph and felt closer to that wondrous moment in history.

This past year, I have grown immensely in my writing.  I pushed myself to write more than I ever had thus far, and I appreciate the practice I have gotten.  This blog has illuminated what writing skills I still need to sharpen and introduced me to some new characters that might develop further in the future (Nog monsters and the Maple Heights community). 

I had no idea how hard it would be to write an entry every day, and I admit I was a bit ignorant when I started it.  I did not anticipate school would hinder me from writing anything aside nonacademic.  I was also foolish to assume that fifteen minutes was all I needed to write a post.  If I wanted to improve my writing, I needed to take time to write, which could mean anything from half an hour to close to an hour.  Not so easy to write daily anymore.  It did teach me discipline though and forced me to sit down and write.  Some of the pieces are not worth reading while others had a makings of a masterpiece.

I am also thankful for anybody who has taken the time to read anything I have written.  It means the world to me that my words meant something to someone.  Thank you for being faithful despite some of the shoddy posts and times where I was absent for weeks.  You helped me keep this blog going.

I intend on using this blog in the future to keep track of other things I'll write.  Maybe I'll just post the final drafts of pieces or use it for some writing exercises.  When it all comes down to it, I wrote this blog for me, and I'm thankful for all it has given me and my lovely readers this past year.

God bless and may 2014 be a happy year for you!

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Day 305: What if Jesus was Here Now?

The last entry of the year.

The Prompt: I got this idea from Max Lucado.  Put Jesus in modern times.  He is a plumber named Bob who just fed a football field of people ham sandwiches.  He took a little boy’s lunch of ham sandwiches and pretzels and fed 5,000 people.  He goes into hospitals and heals people.  He claims he is the Son of God, but the religious leaders say he’s not.  He healed the son of a senator from California and healed a general’s butler.  Now a write a short story about how folks see him.  What happens?

A group of coworkers were drinking cocktails at their year end office party when Barbara brought up the headlines of yesterday's paper.

"Did you hear what Bob the plumber did now?"

One guy sniggered at the mention of Bob's twin.  "What?  Pull apart a pair of siamese twins with his bare hands?"

"Something like that," she sipped her drink.  "He healed Senator Davis' son.  Apparently all he did was visit the boy in the hospital, lay his hand on him, and say, 'Your faith will make you well, my son, walk.' "

The group laughed.  "It sounds like something from a bad movie," a third person, Arnold, commented.

"Yeah, and then ghostly occurrences start happening," a blond named Maria joked.

The first man, Ed, continued, "Bob is just a guy who's running a scam.  I can't believe people actually take this guy seriously.  I mean who ever heard of a plumber who heals people?  He has no medical training.  Plus a plumber is such a disgusting job.  I'd slightly more believe this stuff coming from an office man or government official, but not a plumber.  He might as well be a sanitation worker."

"They need to lock him up," Maria agreed,

Barbara nibbled on an appetizer.  "They looked into his family history, to see if there was anything fishy, but found nothing.  He came up clean."

Ed sniffed, "He probably paid people off."

Arnold finished the last drop of his drink, "He's like the latest cult leader."

Marcia, one of the quieter girls, had been shifting in her seat as she listened to the conversation.  She cleared her throat.  "I actually think Bob is a greater man than you are making him out to be.  He sounds crazy the way you guys are talking about him, but he's more than that.  I, I think he really is divinely inspired."

Ed and Arnold snickered.  The rest of the group was too polite to make fun of her.

"Look, Marcia," Barbara said, "I'm a Christian, but you have to be careful.  Just because someone claims he's from heaven doesn't mean he actually is.  There are godly signs and his motives to consider."

"But I have.  Look at all the good he has done.  He follows the Bible.  Everything he says, everything he has done has aligned with the Scriptures.  I even saw him at one of his meetings.  The way he speaks captures your attention, and when he looks at your eyes, you feel loved by him.  He's the real thing."

Barbara could tell Marcia was convinced of Bob's authenticity and couldn't think of any other ways in persuading her otherwise.  Ed shrugged it off as emotional tricks, and one of the men shifted the conversation to current sports news.  A few of the participants were oddly quiet though as they thought about the possibility that Marcia had suggested.

Monday, December 30, 2013

Author's Picks for Oct/Nov

The lines for these two months are blurry, so I am combining both months into the top five.  These are basically all my school posts.

5. Day 272: Ballet Memories~ Especially after seeing the Nutcracker for Christmas, this was fun to think about.  I do want to write more about this someday.

4. Day 278-282: Confessions of a Disney Princess Fan~ This is a fun one.

3. Day 266: The Absence of Nature~ One of the my favorite poems I wrote this semester.  Beauty is found in the most unlikely places.

2. Day 256: Reversing Your Mindset~ Again, another thing I struggle with.  It's an important lesson to remember.  This was actually from November.

1. Day 257: That's How I Love~I enjoyed thinking about this, and I liked writing it.  I actually came across something in a book that I was reading that reiterated this, saying "God the Mother" can be seen through specific Hebrew words that were used in the Bible.  God loves us as a mother deeply loves her child.  We can do no wrong, and it hurts Him deeply when we hurt Him.